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The functions of the operation management are:

  • Planning
  • Scheduling
  • Organizing
  • Controlling

  • PLANNING: Planning is the future guide or decision making activity that establishes a course of action. The production and operations manager defines the objectives for the operations subsystem of the organization, and the policies and procedures for achieving the objectives. The stage includes clarifying the roles and focus of operations in the organization's overall strategy. It also involves the product planning, facility designing and using the conversion process.

    SCHEDULING: Operations management performs the tasks of scheduling. Scheduling is the process of deciding how to commit resources between variants of possible tasks. It determines the starting and completion time of each and every operations by fixing the priorities from each job and lying down a timetable for production to prevent unbalance use of time. It involves:

    Aggregate planning: Planning of best quality to produce in the immediate range and planning the lower cost method. Operations management does Aggregate planning to maximize profit, enhances customer services, effective utilization of plants and equipment and minimize cost.

    Operations scheduling: It focuses on how best to use existing capacity. It involves activities like-
    3.Detailed scheduling 

    ORGANIZING: Activities that establishes a structure of tasks and authority. Operation managers establish the structure of roles and the flow of information within the operations subsystem. They determine the activities required to achieve the goals and assign authority and responsibilities for carrying them out. It sets schedules for the projects and determines the means for accomplishment. It involves:
    • Work study
    • Job design
    • Work measurement
    • Project management
    CONTROLLING: Activities that assures the actual performance in accordance with planned performance is controlling. To ensure that the plans for the operations subsystems are accomplished the operations manager must exercise control by measuring actual outputs and comparing them to planned operations management. Controlling costs, quality, and scheduling are important functions.
    It focuses on:
    • Production control
    • Inventory control
    • Quality control
    • Maintainence and replacement